Why Choose Us

We Understand Your Needs Better

We are a specialized and experienced team that is able to develop and manufacture almost all types of beauty & skin care products. We are committed to deliver the best manufacturing solution to your business like no one else.

Our Strength

Manufacturing Expertise

Wide Product Types & Range

Green Concept

Advanced Technology, Safety & Efficacy Driven

Versatile & Reliable

Easy Start-up & Transparent

Sustainably Sourced

Excellent After Sales Service & Support

We have close to 30 years of manufacturing expertise to share with our clients our experience, knowledge and passion for quality products and services.

We have an expansive line of product types covering almost every skin and body care concerns.

We adopt cruelty-free, environmental-friendly and less wastage manufacturing processes.

Well-equipped with advanced technology pairing along with extensive dermatological studies, all of our products are scientifically proven to be safe and effective.

We provide flexible solutions that answers your business needs, because we understand that each client is unique.

Low entry cost to start your business with no upfront, hidden or recurring cost.

Sourcing ethically, our ingredients meet the highest standard of quality and enabled us to improve our sustainability standards.

Our friendly & dedicated support teams are always ready to help and to provide exceptional services to our clients.

How We Select
Our Ingredient


All our ingredients are naturally-derived from plants or fruits, with no harsh chemicals, no alcohol, no paraben and no animal (mammalian) content.


Our R&D teams keep pushing the boundaries to invent new formulas by sourcing the latest innovative ingredients from reputable suppliers around the world.


Our focus is to make every product highly effective in treating various skin problems using ingredients which are scientifically proven for its efficacy.


All our ingredients are carefully selected from suppliers whom we trust and whose quality are scientifically verified. Making sure that all ingredients we use are good for skin and environment.

Sustainably Sourced

Sourcing ethically, sustainably not only ensure that our ingredients meet the highest standard of quality, it also helps to secure our supplier and enable us to improve our sustainability standards.

Our Awards

Platinum Business Award (APEC Enterprise Award)
APEC Enterprise Award is presented by Enterprise Asia, the leading regional non-governmental organization for entrepreneurship. It is the region's most prestigious awards for outstanding entrepreneurship, continuous innovation and sustainable leadership. The program has grown to encompass 16 countries/ regions and markets all over Asia.
Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards - PKT Export Excellence Awards
Q&Z Cosmetics Manufacturing Sdn Bhd was honored with the PKT Export Excellence Award at the 2020 Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards. This prestigious recognition highlights the company's outstanding achievements in cosmetics manufacturing and exceptional performance in export activities, reaffirming its commitment to excellence and innovation in the industry.
Sin Chew International Business Excellence Awards
The Awards is reckoned as an authentic testimony and recognition of the business excellence of the enterprises in ever changing environment for even greater success locally as well globally. The awards enable more enterprises to learn from the success stories and revenue models of the winning enterprises, and to benchmark themselves against the best in their pursuit of further excellence.
CIMB - Sin Chew Regional Excellence Awards
We are proud to receive this award by being an example to other companies to learn from our success stories as well as be a benchmark of themselves compared to the best in the pursuit of higher excellence.
Golden Eagle Award Malaysia 100 Excellent Enterprises 2018 - Excellent Eagles Award Q&Z Cosmetics Manufacturing Sdn Bhd - 3rd Place Winner of 100 Excellent Eagles
Q&Z Cosmetics Manufacturing Sdn Bhd is beyond delighted to receive the Excellent Eagle Award 2018 from the prestige NanYang Group. More surprisingly, we were ranked 3rd among a hundred leading businesses in Malaysia. With the respected business award, we celebrate the integration of technology, innovation, and sustainability in all aspects of our entrepreneurial and corporate culture. We truly believe that a continual emphasis on innovative advances is a crucial part to bring about growth and improvement in our products, especially in this rapidly emerging business world.
Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2017 - Product Excellence Award (产品卓越奖)
The Awards is reckoned as an authentic testimony and recognition of the business excellence of the enterprises in ever changing environment for even greater success locally as well globally and enable more enterprises to learn from the success stories and revenue models of the winning enterprises, and to benchmark themselves against the best in their pursuit of further excellence.
Sin Chew Business Excellence Awards 2017 - Manufacturing Excellence Award (制造业卓越奖)
The Awards is positioned as one of the most trusted and prestigious business Awards program in Malaysia with an emphasis on strategic management approaches. The awards serve as the highest accolades for the enterprises which have achieved utmost excellence in all key business management disciplines which form the strategic parts of organizational growth and sustainability.
KWYP Dr Sun Yat-Sen Excellence Award
Awarded to our company as a recognition of our struggles for entrepreneurship and faith, as well as to promote society development and our contribution.
(Chinese Kai Mo Award) 中华楷模大奖
Awarded to our company as a recognition of our struggles for entrepreneurship and faith, as well as to promote social development and our contribution.
28th International Award for Technology & Quality, Geneva Switzerland (New Millennium Award)
Our team of doctors begun their research in Professional Skin Treatment products in the 80s before a specialised team helmed by Professor Qu (Dermatologist) and Dr Zhang G.S (medical Cosmetologist) combined their more than 50 years' experience to formally establish the company in 1996 in Malaysia. Since then, e-beauty Group have received numerous accolades including the International Award for Inventions & New Techniques, Geneva Switzerland and International Award for Technology & Quality, Geneva Switzerland. These awards bears testament to our excellence in Professional R & D and cutting edge technology manufacturing processes.
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) by MOH, Malaysia
The "GMP" certification certifies that products are produced under a clean and good manufacturing facilities and environment including standard operating procedures, people management and training, equipment maintenance, and handling of materials.
14th Salon International Des Inventions Et Des Techniques Novelles, Geneva Switzerland
Awarded to our founder, Professor Qu Kui Zun in his tudies in the field of beauty using high technology at the time and the production of quality products inspired by him.

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Let’s Talk To Us

Looking for manufacturer?

We source the finest quality ingredients from renowned suppliers all over the world.